"Until Then" (Stuart Hamblen/Hamblen Music)
- Ann Downing (1992 Treasured Gifts)
- Bill Gaither Trio (1956 Presenting The Gaither Trio Of Indiana; 1977 My Heart Can Sing - The Inspiring Songs of Stuart Hamblen)
- Blackwood Brothers (1961 The Pearly White City; 1967 The Best Of The Blackwood Brothers Quartet Volume 2; 1973 How Great Thou Art; 1980 Until Then; 1982 Through The Years . . . Live!; 1983 Learning To Lean; 1985 Jesus Now; 1986 Cecil Blackwood Of The Blackwood Brothers; 1987 In Concert; 1990 USA Tour, Vol. 2; 1998 Learning To Lean On Jesus)
- Blackwood Singers (1967 Time Has Made A Change; ???? Over Today)
- Blue Ridge Quartet (1980 Somethin' Within)
- Bob Dalrymple (1968 Songs To Remember)
- Bobby Green (1972 God Is Real)
- Brion Carter (1995 A Tenor's Tribute)
- Calvarymen Quartet (1981 Silver Anniversary Live)
- Cathedral Quartet (1968 Focus On Glen Payne)
- Charles Johnson And The Revivers (1990 Until Then; 1993 Let’s Have Church; 2005 20th Anniversary)
- Christian Chapel Trio (1960 or 61 Get On Board)
- Claiborne Brothers Quartette (1963 At The World's Fair)
- Couriers (1963 You Will Never Have to Journey Alone)
- Deep South Quartet (1965 I Shall Be At Home With Jesus)
- Dixie Echoes (1962 Sing Songs of Faith; 1969 The Best Of The Dixie Echoes; 2002 Dixie Echoes Collection Volume Two; 2009 I'd Rather Have Jesus; 2011 Live At Silver Dollar City)
- Donnie Sumner (2000 Classic Southern)
- Doug Oldham (1963 I've A Song; 1968 A Rich Man Am I; 1973 Live; 1977 Golden Treasury Of Hymns)
- Edwards Trio (1962 Harmonies Of The Edwards Trio)
- Elaine Wilburn (???? Just For You)
- Freedom Quartet (2016 Hymns Of Faith And Freedom)
- Gaither Homecoming Series (1994 Landmark; 2005 Israel Homecoming; 2006 Homecoming Live From Toronto)
- Galileans Quartet (196? Praise For The Lord)
- Gary McSpadden And Chosen (2000 Southern Gospel Classics)
- Gatlin Quartet (1964 Sings From The Heart)
- Gene McDonald (2011 If We Love Them)
- George Beverly Shea (1961 Cross Roads Of Life; 1965 Best Of George Beverly Shea)
- Glorylanders Quartet (1968 Where We'll Never Grow Old)
- Good Twins (1964 Good-bye World; 1973 Tho Autumn's Coming On)
- Gospel Chords (1973 Hymns)
- Gospel Mariners Quartet (???? Grand Homecoming)
- Guardians (2019 Songs Of A Lifetime)
- Hoppers (1962 Gospel Favorites; 1999 Joy for the Journey; 2007 50 Years...The Song Continues; 2011 Hymns: A Classic Collection)
- Imperials (1965 Talent Times Five)
- Inspirationals (1963 Lord, I Want You Near)
- Jake Hess (1984 Gospel Classics Sung By Jake Hess - Volume Two)
- Jason Crabb (2011 The Song Lives On)
- J D Sumner And The Stamps (1977 16 Greats)
- Jeff And Sheri Easter (1989 Picture Perfect Love; 1992 Pickin' The Best Live; 2000 Through The Years With Jeff And Sheri Easter)
- Jim Brady (2014 Singing The Hits)
- Jim Brady Trio (2015 Timeless)
- Jim Hill And The Golden Keys Quartet (1960 The Ninety And Nine)
- Jim Murray (1996 Walk With Me)
- Jim Whittington And The Special Edition (1983 Some Days Are Diamonds)
- Jimmie Davis (1963 Beyond The Shadows)
- John Mathews (1968 The Rebels Present John Mathews and Family)
- John McKay (1971 Color Him Love)
- Junior Blackwood Brothers (1964 His Grace Reaches Me)
- Ken Turner (???? Ken Turner Live With Bruce Moses And The Ozarks)
- Kenny Gates (1975 Kenny Gates Piano Artistry)
- Kingsmen Quartet (1991 Classic Hymns; 1998 The Old Time Way)
- Klaudt Indian Family (1967 At The End Of The Trail)
- Land Of The Sky Boys (1982 Good News)
- Larry Ford (1962 'Til The End Of Time)
- LeFevres (1968 The Best Of The LeFevres)
- Liberty Quartet (2004 Timeless Treasured Hymns)
- Mark Trammell (2003 Treasures Of The Heart - Volume One)
- McGlothlins (1979 Treasures Unseen)
- McKameys (1984 Tennessee Live)
- Mike Allen (2011 Timeless Hymns)
- Oak Ridge Boys (1962 He Whispers Sweet Peace To Me; 1971 Sing Super Gospel Hits Volume 1)
- Old Paths (2013 Simplicity Continues)
- Orrells (1964 The Orrell Quartet)
- Pine Ridge Boys (1966 Sing Your Requests)
- Prophets (1973 Sing A Song!)
- Rebels (1968 Until Then)
- Rhythm Masters (19?? God's Great Love; 196? Rhythm Masters)
- Sego Brothers And Naomi (1962 Sing The Gospel)
- The Stamps Quartet (1964 What A Day That Will Be)
- Sherrill Nielsen (1962 A Name I Highly Treasure)
- Songfellows Quartet (1964 Love Is Why; 1990 Love Is The Key; 2001 20 Southern Gospel Classics; 2013 The Way It Was - 30 Songs From The Original LPs Combined Into 8 Medleys)
- Statesmen (1977 Gospel Songs Elvis Loved)
- Steve Sanders (1966 A Young Boys Prayer)
- Stewart Varnado (2001 Jubilee Vol. 1)
- Stuart Hamblen (1958 A Visit With Stuart Hamblen; 1962 Of God I Sing)
- Templetones (1968 I'm Looking For Jesus)
- Thrasher Brothers (1968 Only A Look)
- Toney Brothers (???? Until Then)
- Trevor Conkle (2016 Genesis)
- Vicksburg Quartet (1972 In The Garden)
- Weatherfords (1963 Autograph Album)
- Wesley And Marilyn Tuttle (1958 Secret Of Happiness)
- William Lee Golden & The Goldens (2022 Old Country Church)
- Wills Family (???? Wills Family Inspirational Time)
- Woodsmen (???? I Can Pray)
"Until Then" (Patricia Rife)
- Light Shiners (1982 Time Goes By)