"Ten Thousand Years" (Elmer Cole/Bridge Building Music/BMI/©1972)
- Blackwood Brothers (1973 Best Of The Best Of)
- Blackwood Singers (1973 A Wonderful Feeling)
- Californians (1975 Alive In Concert)
- Calvarymen Quartet (???? I Enjoy The Difference)
- Cathedral Quartet (1973 Town and Country; 1976 Music Time)
- Challengers (197? Something Old/Something New)
- Commanders (1973 Everybody Will Be Happy)
- Cruse Family (1973 We Believe In Jesus)
- Davis Family (???? Get Excited)
- Diplomats (???? Gospel Heaven)
- Dixie Echoes (1972 Sorta Southern, Somethin Spiritual, Fully Gospel)
- Dixie Melody Boys (2009 Singing The Classics)
- Donnie Sumner (2004 Serenade)
- Doug Oldham (1974 The Church Triumphant...Alive And Well)
- Downings (1972 Neighbors; 1996 The Downings Vol 2)
- Foundations (???? Ole Time Remedy)
- Gaither Homecoming Series (1997 This Is My Story)
- Glenn Camp Family (1974 Again!)
- Gordon Perryman (197? This Could Be The Dawning)
- Gospel Harmony Boys (1973 Sincerely Yours)
- Gospel Sons (197? Rejoice With The Gospel Sons)
- Helmsmen (1974 Helmsmen)
- Higher Ground (1974 Leanin' Towards Higher Ground)
- Hoppers (2008 North America Live!)
- J D Sumner And The Stamps (1972 Something Special)
- Jeff Steinberg With Wind & Fire (1977 From The Beginning)
- John Mathews Family (1972 Introducing The John Mathews Family With The Otis Forest Orchestra)
- Kenny Parker Trio (1972 A First From)
- Keystone Quartet (1972 Heavy Gospel)
- Kingdom Heirs (1972 That Day Is Almost Here)
- King's Daughters (1973 Plenty Of Time)
- Kingsmen Quartet (1973 Reverend Everette Beverley And Sister Annie Laura; 1978 Ten Thousand Years; 1987 Without Him)
- Masterpeace (1997 I Walk On Gold)
- Oakland Quartet (1973 It's Almost Time)
- Palmetto State Quartet (1972 Worship)
- Poet Voices (1996 Love's Sweet Story)
- Prophets (1973 On The Right Track)
- Rambos (1972 Soul In The Family; 1974 Alive And Live At Soul's Harbor; 1976 Rambo Country; 1983 Memories Made New)
- Rhythm Masters (1973 A Song The Holy Angels Cannot Sing)
- Royal Heirs (1975 God Bless America)
- Sego Brothers And Naomi (1975 Gospel Singing; 1978 Gospel Singers)
- Singing Americans (197? The Old Rugged Cross; 1986 Concert Series III)
- Singing Curry Family (1974 It's All About King Jesus)
- Singing Myers Family (197? Jesus Is The Answer)
- Songfellows Quartet (1991 Into His Presence)
- Songsmen Quartet (1974 We Love To Sing)
- Speer Family (1973 I Never Shall Forget The Day)
- Statesmen (1974 Ain't That What It’s All About)
- Tabor Family (1973 Let Me See Calvary)
- Talleys (197? Happy Sounds)
- Teddy Huffam And The Gems (1974 Geniuses At Work)
- Telestials (1972 Sing That Song)
- Templetones (197? Revival Favorites)
- Tribunes (1974 Restore My Soul)
- Wills Family (???? Here They Come)
"Ten Thousand Years"
- Swilley Family (1971 The Lighthouse)