"Turn Your Radio On" (Albert E Brumley/Stamps Baxter Music/BMI/©1938, renewed ©1966)
- Adopted Sons (197? On The Glory Road)
- Blackwood Brothers (1973 Turn Your Radio On; 1985 Safe In The Arms Of Jesus)
- Blackwood Singers (1972 We Try Harder; 1973 Turn Your Radio On)
- Blue Ridge Quartet (1980 Turn Your Radio On)
- Calvarymen Quartet (1981 Silver Anniversary Live)
- Cathedral Quartet (1985 An Old Convention Song; 1999 Anthology: A 35 Year Musical Journey; 1999 20 Convention Classics)
- Channing Eleton (1998 Be Still And Know)
- Chuck Wagon Gang (1991 Still Rollin'; 2006 70th Anniversary CD Collectors Edition)
- Coy Cook And The Senators (1971 Gospel Dynamite)
- Cruse Family (1972 The King Is Coming)
- Cumberland Quartet (2004 Living Up To The Name)
- Daryl Williams Trio (2005 Music In The Air)
- Dixie Echoes (1971 Turn Your Radio On)
- Dixie Melody Boys (1974 Unlimited; 1978 Best Of The Dixie Melody Boys; 2004 Historic Journey Volume 3; 2007 Serenade)
- Gaither Homecoming Series (1993 Turn Your Radio On; 1996 Ryman Gospel Reunion; 1998 All Day Singin' at the Dome; 2003 Gaither Homecoming Classics Vol. 2)
- Glorylanders (1972 Old Gospel Favorites)
- Gold City (1986 Your Favorite Hymns)
- Gospel Brass (1972 Skylite Presents The Gospel Brass)
- Hee Haw Gospel Quartet (1994 Hee Haw Gospel Quartet)
- Hemphills (1972 Sweet Zion's Song)
- Hoppers (1971 Just Old Time Christians)
- J D Sumner (1972 The Way It Sounds Down Low)
- J D Sumner And The Stamps (1973 Sing Gospel Classics; 1992 Masters Of Gospel)
- Jerry And The Goffs (1972 Doing It Right)
- Jordanaires (1992 Sing Gospel)
- Kingdom Heirs (1988 Classics)
- King's Heralds (2002 Revival Southern Style)
- Kingsmen Quartet (1972 Turn Your Radio On; 1982 Give The World A Smile; ???? Award Winning)
- Larry DeLawder (1994 Music In My Soul)
- Lewis Family (1972 Just Us)
- London Parris (???? Sincerely Yours)
- London Parris And The Apostles (1973 Answer Concert Requests)
- Lorne Matthews (1973 Not A Word Was Spoken)
- Lower Lights Quartet (1973 Gospel Sounds)
- Melody Masters Quartet (2006 The Vintage Collection)
- Premiers Quartet (1973 A "Premier" Performance)
- Prophets (1973 Sing A Song)
- Sego Brothers And Naomi (1975 Gospel Singing)
- Singing Americans (197? Sunrise With Twin Trumpets)
- Southmen Quartet (???? Singing Southern Style)
- Speer Family (1971 A Family Affair; 1972 The Speers In Concert; 1978 The Songs Live On; 1985 The Speer Family; 1995 20 Favorites By The Speers; 2000 Blessed Assurance; 2003 Family Traditions)
- Statesmen (1959 I’ll Meet You By the River; 1972 Keep On Smiling; 1979 Gospel Gems; 1984 The Cross Makes The Difference)
- Statler Brothers (1992 Gospel Favorites)
- Thrasher Brothers (1972 Sing On!)
- Tonesmen (1973 Souled On Gospel)
- Virginians Quartet (1972 It's Time To Ring The Bell)