"Rise Again" (Dallas Holm/Designer Music Group/Dimension Music/SESAC/Going Holm Music/BMI)
- Believers (198? Featuring The Believers)
- Blackwood Brothers (1979 Live! At The National Quartet Convention; 1981 The Joy Of Knowing Jesus)
- Blue Ridge Quartet (???? Here They Come)
- Booth Brothers (2021 Take Another Step)
- Bridge (1978 Lift Him Up; 1978 Live With Bob Benson)
- Calvarymen Quartet (???? Rise Again)
- Cathedral Quartet (1978 One At A Time; 1979 Live With The Cathedral Quartet; 1979 Oh What A Love; 1982 Greater)
- Chancellors (1978 Happy)
- Cornutts (1978 15th Anniversary)
- Cumberland Boys and Gospel Brass (1987 A New Song)
- Davis Family (???? Is Eight Enough?)
- Dietz Brothers (197? A Great Gospel Song)
- Dixie Melody Boys (2009 Singing The Classics)
- Doug Oldham (1979 Special Delivery)
- Florida Boys (1981 Free Indeed)
- Freedom Quartet (2013 Born With A Song)
- Gaither Homecoming Series (1995 Revival; 2001 Best Of Homecoming 2001; 2001 What A Time)
- Gary McSpadden (1990 All Time Favorites; 2002 Great Hymns & Gospel Songs)
- Gospel Enforcers (1997 Praise Him)
- Gospel Sons (1979 The Gospel Sons Present Jesus)
- Heaven Bound (1978 Jesus Is Coming)
- His Image (1982 Til He Comes)
- Imperials (1984 Sing The Classics)
- Ivan Parker (1998 A Collection Of 20 Favorites)
- J D Sumner And The Stamps (1979 Keep Me)
- Jerry And The Goffs (1978 Spirit-Filled Six-Pack)
- John Mathews Family (1978 Spring Fever)
- The Keystones (1979 A Time Of Praise)
- King's Four (1979 Something To Sing About)
- King's Heralds (1982 Don't Give Up; 2006 Anthology Volume 1)
- Kingsmen Quartet (1980 Chartbreakers; 1998 Men Of Music: Randy Miller And Andrew Ishee)
- Larnelle Harris (1978 Free)
- Light Shiners (1979 He's Shining Down On Us)
- Lundstroms (1979 Down Home Feeling)
- Rhythm Masters (1977 Homecoming; 1979 I'm On Tour; 1983 Live In Cincinnati)
- Robbie Hiner (1977 Live At Lynchburg)
- Roger McDuff (1978 Portrait)
- Sego Brothers And Naomi (1978 Gospel Singers)
- Singing Harvesters (1978 The Versatile Singing Harvesters)
- Singing Rories (1980 Long Distance)
- Sisters (2013 Classics Collection)
- Songsmen Quartet (1978 The Old Country Church)
- Soul'd Out Quartet (2019 Soulace V)
- Uhrig Brothers (1980 Like Never Before)
- Various Artists (1979 Gospel Music Association Top Ten Songs Of 1978)
- Watchmen (1981 We Sing Jesus)
- Weatherfords (1979 Tried, Tested And True)
- Wendy Bagwell And The Sunliters (1978 Appearing Tonight)