"He Knows Just What I Need" (Mosie Lister)
- Blackwood Brothers (1956 Hymn Sing)
- Bob Dalrymple (1968 Songs To Remember)
- Booth Brothers (1999 Beyond The Cross)
- Carroll Roberson (2008 The Spirit Of Praise)
- Claiborne Brothers Quartette (1960 On Tour)
- David And Doris Godwin (1961 Not My Will)
- David Sapp (1968 David Sapp)
- Elvis Presley (1960 His Hand In Mine)
- Good Twins (1960 Have Gospel, Must Travel)
- Old Friends Quartet (2000 Encore)
- Rangers Trio (1960 Gospel Song Collection)
- Statesmen (1960 Mansion Over the Hilltop; 1992 The Bible Told Me So)
- Templetones (1969 Living By Faith)
"He Knows Just What I Need" (need songwriter info)
- Gaither Homecoming Series (2004 Journey To The Sky)