"Standing By The River" (Albert E Brumley/Marion W Easterling/Stamps Baxter Music/BMI)
- Chestnut Grove Quartet (???? We've Traveled A Long Way...Singing For The Lord)
- Conqueror's Quartet (1967 Song Of The Conqueror)
- Dixie Echoes (1976 Sing Back The Memories; 1978 Heavenly Echoes; 1983 Memories — A Tribute To Dale Shelnut)
- Dixie Melody Boys (1978 Campmeeting Gospel)
- Gold City (2002 Camp Meetin’)
- Gospelaires (???? Something Old Something New)
- Harvesters (1964 Together)
- Lesters (1975 The Lester Family Sings)
- London Parris And The Apostles (1973 The Eastern Gate)
- Palmetto State Quartet (1986 Classic Southern Gospel)
- Pine Ridge Boys (???? Jesus Is Coming Soon)
- Plainsmen (1960 Songs And Hymns By The Plainsmen Quartet; 1964 The Plainsmen Go Heartwarming; ???? Just A Little Talk With Jesus)
- Rebels (1970 The Eastern Gate; ???? Peace In The Valley)
- Rhythm Masters (1971 Now Walk With God)
- Sego Brothers And Naomi (1965 Gospel Concert Special)
- Senators (1980 He Loved Me)
- Singing Americans (1982 Sing Gospel Hits Volume 4)
- Speer Family (1958 Songs You've Requested; 1985 The Speer Family)
- Templetones (197? Standing By The River)
- Tennesseans Quartet (1963 Golden Favorites)
- Thrasher Brothers (1968 Up-An-At 'Em; 1972 Just For You; 1973 Sing Marion W. Easterling Songs; 1974 Sparkle And Shine)
- Various Artists (1965 Gospel Singing Jubilee)
- Virginians Quartet (1974 Because)
- Weatherfords (1967 Come On Let's Sing)
Also See Trying To Get A Glimpse