"He Washed My Eyes With Tears" (Ira Stanphill/Singspiration Music/SESAC)
- Blackwood Brothers (1979 Featuring Cecil Blackwood)
- Blue Ridge Quartet (1981 Peace Like A River)
- Bobby Green (1964 The Versatile Voice of Bobby Green)
- David And Doris Godwin (1961 Not My Will)
- Edwards Trio (1968 Music And Melodies)
- Gaither Homecoming Series (1993 Turn Your Radio On; 2004 Passin' The Faith Along)
- George Beverly Shea (1966 Sings Fireside Hymns)
- Gospel Harmony Boys (1977 Grow Closer)
- Jack Holcomb (1964 Sings The Gospel Greats)
- John Hall (1967 Big John Hall Of The Blackwood Brothers)
- LeFevres (1969 Play Gospel Music!)
- Roger McDuff (1968 Sincerely Yours)
- Tennesseans Quartet (1963 The Terrific Tennesseans)
- Weatherfords (1987 The Weatherfords Tradition Continues "With Henry Slaughter")