"I Should Have Been Crucified" (Gordon Jensen/Benson Music/ASCAP)
- Blackwood Brothers (1972 L-O-V-E)
- Cathedral Quartet (1971 Somebody Loves Me; 1976 Music Time)
- Commanders (1973 Everybody Will Be Happy)
- Dallas Holm (1973 Didn't He Shine)
- Diplomats (???? Gospel Heaven)
- Dixie Melody Boys (1974 Excited; 1978 Best Of The Dixie Melody Boys)
- Doug Oldham (1973 To God Be The Glory)
- Down East Boys (1996 Redeemed)
- Eastmen (1973 In Living Gospel)
- Florida Boys (1972 Sing Gospel Hits: Volume I)
- Foundations (???? It's A Good Day)
- Gentry (197? Gentle Inspiration)
- Gordon Jensen (1980 Gallery; 1988 His Very Best; ???? Whisper Jesus)
- Gordon Perryman (197? This Could Be The Dawning)
- Gospel Chords (1973 Great Gospel Hits)
- Gospel Harmony Boys (1973 Sincerely Yours)
- Gospeltones Quartet (1979 How Great Thou Art)
- Helmsmen (1976 Sweeter Gets The Journey)
- Henry And Hazel Slaughter (1973 Tribute, To God Be The Glory; 1974 The Joyous Excitement Of Henry and Hazel Slaughter; 1981 Blessing After Blessing)
- Higher Ground (1972 Higher Ground Singers)
- Hillsmen Quartet (1975 We're Building On The Rock)
- J D Sumner And The Stamps (1972 Something Special)
- Jeff Steinberg (1974 Something Special From Jeff)
- Joyful Noise (1972 Didn't He Shine)
- Keystone Quartet (1972 Heavy Gospel)
- Kingdom Heirs (1973 All Aboard)
- Lorne Matthews (1973 Not A Word Was Spoken)
- Lower Lights Quartet (1973 Gospel Sounds)
- Oak Ridge Boys (1972 Light; 1974 Gospel Gold Alive In Concert; 1985 Everyday Gospel)
- Oakland Quartet (1968 I Should Have Been Crucified)
- Old Time Gospel Hour Trio (1973 You Won't Believe The Difference)
- Orrells (1972 Live; 1972 Forever Is A Long Long Time)
- Perfect Heart (1994 Live At The Forum)
- Prophets (1973 On The Right Track)
- Rhythm Masters (1973 Happy Wheels Of Joy)
- Robbie Hiner (1973 You're Gonna Love Your New Life; 1977 Live At Lynchburg)
- Roger McDuff (1973 My Tribute)
- Singing Americans (197? The Old Rugged Cross)
- Templetones (197? Revival Favorites)
- Thrasher Brothers (1974 Those Singing Americans)
- Tribunes (1973 Glad That I'm A Christian)
- Various Artists (1974 The Gordon Jensen Songbook)
- Vicksburg Quartet (1973 The Vicksburg In Nashville)
- Victors Quartet (1973 Sounds Of Love)
- Watchmen (1973 PTL)
- Whisnants (2012 Hymns & Harmony)