Mike Presnell


Mike Presnell sang bass for for Sound in the 1980s and for Perfect Heart from 1990-1998. He sang bass for Safe Harbor from 2003-2007 then reformed Perfect in 2008.

Solo Discography

199? Back To Back (New Light Productions/8148): I Found A Hidin’ Place; As The Deer Panteth For Water; Under Control; This Old House; Thank You; Blood Bought Church; Precious Lamb Of Glory; Keep The Fire Burning; What Did He Ever See In Me; I Wouldn’t Trade. (This album featured performances by Presnell and Dale Shipley while they were members of Perfect Heart).

2001 The Way That He Loves Me (Custom Records): This Is The Day; The Way That He Loves; He Didn't Throw The Clay Away; How Big Is God; In The Garden; Led By The Master's Hand; As The Deer; You Can Still Find A Friend; It Still Covers All; Hold To God's Unchanging Hand.

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