There is a song titled It Is Well With My Soul that is often shortened to It Is Well.
"It Is Well (Elisha's Song)" (Sonya Isaacs/Rebecca Isaacs/Miss Surrett Music/R I Bowman Music/BMI)
- Gaither Homecoming Series (2002 Let Freedom Ring)
- Isaacs (2002 Eye Of The Storm; 2005 Radio Hits)
"It Is Well" (Public Domain, arranged by Dale Maxwell/Planet Nashville/BMI)
- New Ground (2011 Another Blessing)
''It Is Well"
- Blackwood Brothers (2018 A Cappella Hymns)
- Dove Brothers (2016 Hymns & Classics)
- Envoys (1972 Sing Hymns)
- John Hall (1975 Rise And Be Healed)
- Joshua Cobb (2010 Satisfied)
- Ken Turner (???? Ken Turner's Collections)
- King's Heralds (1985 Another Rainbow)
- Kingsmen Quartet (1993 Church Hymns: The Rest Of The Story; 1993 27 Great Gospel Songs)
- N Harmony (2008 Favorites)
- Sam Goodman (1984 The Newest Thing Around)
- Triumphant Quartet (2021 2021 Collection)