"Don't Give Up" (Ricky Goodman/Lifting Music/ASCAP)
- Happy Goodmans (1990 The Reunion)
- Hinsons (1995 Oasis)
- Ivan Parker (2008 Inseparable)
- Lamar Sego Family (1981 It's Raining)
- Nelons (1985 In One Accord)
- Spencers (2009 A Sensational Spencer Concert)
"Don't Give Up" (Larry Petree/BMI)
- Jerry And The Goffs (1986 Don’t Give Up)
"Don't Give Up" (Squire Parsons/Safe Passage Music/BMI)
- Squire Parsons Trio (1999 He Found Me)
"Don't Give Up" (Tommy Alexander?/BMI)
- Mid South Boys (1983 Keep On Walking)
"Don't Give Up" (Charles Howard/BMI)
- Down East Boys (1986 I Shall Return; 1992 Vital Information)
"Don't Give Up" (Lee Dresser/ASCAP)
- Davis Family (???? A New Touch)
"Don't Give Up" (Reba Rambo/Dony McGuire)
- Reba Rambo (1980 Confessions)