"My Home, Sweet Home" (Mrs C C Yarbrough/Stamps Quartet Music/©1946)

  • Chuck Wagon Gang (1950 on 78 single; 1952 Gospel Gems; 1952 on 78 single; 1958 My Home Sweet Home (45-EP); 1960 Perfect Joy; 1996 Radio Favorites From The Columbia Archives; 2001 Gospel Classics Hall Of Fame Series Volume 4)

"My Home Sweet Home" (W D Paris/M D McWhorter/Vaughan Music Company/ASCAP)

"My Home Sweet Home" (Larry Spears)

"My Home Sweet Home"

  • Messengers (1968 Mustang Mobile Homes, Inc. Presents The Messengers; 1970 In Times Like These)
  • Singing Fosters (1966 Jesus Is My World)
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