1940s-era Baxter Quartet
Front Row L-R: Katherine Fossett
Back Row L-R: J R "Pap" Baxter, Clarice "Ma" Baxter, V O Fossett, Odie Smith

Group Members

(Partial List)

Clarice Baxter
J R Baxter
V O Fossett
Katherine Fossett
Odie Smith


The Baxter Quartet was a company group made up of individuals who worked for the Stamps-Baxter Music And Printing Company's Chattanooga, Tennessee office. Company co-owner J R "Pap" Baxter and his wife Clarice "Ma" Baxter anchored the Baxter Quartet that bore their name. (Similarly, their business partner V O Stamps anchored the Original Stamps Quartet in the company's Dallas, Texas office.)

In 1940, the Baxter Quartet was based in Chattanooga, Tennessee where they sang at radio station WDOD. J R Baxter was vice-president of the company at the time and also headed up the Chattanooga office.

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