"I Like The Old Time Way" (Joe Roper)
- Apostles (1982 I Like The Old-Time Way)
- Eldridge Fox (1993 Great Gospel Favorites; 1999 Family Bible)
- Gold City (1985 Sing With The Angels)
- Inspirations (1966 Our Pioneer Heritage)
- Kingsmen Quartet (1963 That Kingsmen Sound; 1993 27 Great Gospel Songs)
- Memphians (1965 Introducing The Memphians)
- Statesmen (1962 Camp-Meeting Hymns)
- Tennessee Ernie Ford (1978 Swing Wide Your Golden Gate)
"I Like The Old Time Way" (Jesse Johnson)
- Lewis Family (1965 The First Family Of Gospel Song)
"I Like The Old Time Way"
- Chancellors (1973 Reaching Out)