(redirected from C.Chronicle)
![]() Kingsboys, 1986 |
Group MembersKevin Clark (1982-1992) |
Kingsboys/Chronicle (1982-1992)
Also known as Chronicle
The Kingsboys began as a group that was "adopted" by the Kingsmen Quartet. They appeared at the National Quartet Convention during the Kingsmen's portion of the program shortly after their formation in 1982 and were frequent fixtures at Kingsmen concerts for the next several years. Original group members included brothers Kevin and Kenyon Clark, Jeff Runion, and Jason Camp. The members were between the ages of 11 and 15 when the group was formed.
After eight years, the group members were no longer "boys," so the group name was changed to Chronicle. The group subsequently retired on Labor Day weekend in 1992, which was precisely 10 years after their first performance in 1982. Some notable members include Jody Medford, who also sang with the Anchormen and the Kingdom Heirs; Nathan Widener, who has written a number of gospel songs; and Rory Rigdon, who latter traveled with the Kingsmen and the Gaither Homecoming Tour.

1982 Go Jonah (Custom Records): Go Jonah; Songs My Mother Sang; Beautiful Home; The Old Rugged Cross; Have A Little Talk With Jesus; I'll Fly Away; Talk To The Man; Golden Banners; John The Revelator; Crown Him (Jason Camp, Kevin Clark, Kenyon Clark, Jeff Runion).

1982 Do A Man Sized Job (Custom Records): Thank You Lord For Making Me; Step Into The Water; Come On Up; God's Gonna Do The Same; The Blood Will Never Lose It's Power; Good Things; They're Holding Up The Ladder; On My Way To Heaven; Checking Up On My Payments; I Saw The Light (Kenyon Clark, Jason Camp, Kevin Clark, Jeff Runion).

1983 Step Aboard (Custom Records/IRC1296): Believe On The Name; Broken Rose; King Of Eternity; Step Aboard; You Can't Stand On Promises; I'm Not Ashamed; Turn Your Light On; Sweet By And By; I'm On My Way; Heaven On The Horizon (Myron Boone, Jason Camp, Kenyon Clark, Kevin Clark, Jeff Runion).

1984 Rehearsal (Heartwarming Records/RO3871): God's Little People; He Cared Enough; Talkin' About Heaven; Ready To Sing The Old Songs; When I Wake Up In Heaven; Ninety And Nine; I'm Excited And Waitin' To Go; He'll Go With You; Headed For Home; Songs My Mother Sang (Kenyon Clark, Jason Camp, Myron Boone, Kevin Clark, Jeff Runion).

1984 One Of These Days (New Morning Records): We're Growing Higher; Jesus Gave Me Water; Everywhere I Go; Moving Up To Gloryland; His Love Never Changes; One Of These Days; Shoutin' Happy; Somebody Prayed For Me; Go Out To The Program (Kenyon Clark, Jeff Runion, Myron Boone, Kevin Clark, Wesley Willett, Donnie Pressley).

1985 Holding On (Morningstar Records): Wonderful Glorious Day; That's What The Good Book Says; We're Holding On; Goodbye Old World; If You Want To Sing A Love Song; I've Been Redeemed; Satisfied With My Lord; Teach Me Lord; When The Sun Starts To Rise; I've Been With Jesus (Myron Boone, Donnie Pressley, Jeff Runion, Kevin Clark, Mark Lowe, Wesley Willett, Kenyon Clark).

1986 Feeling Fine (Morningstar Records): I'm Feeling Just Fine; Victory's Just Ahead; I'm Not Alone; When I Looked Up And He Looked Down; Sweet Assurance; Jesus Is My Hero; Enter In; Caught Up; I'll Soon Be Leaving; I'm Gonna Hold To His Hand (Rick Jenkins, Myron Boone, Kenyon Clark, Donnie Pressley, David Proffitt, Mark Lowe, Kevin Clark).

1987 Right Now (Morningstar Records/MS4080): The Son Hath Made Me Free; My Friend Jesus; It's Time To Go Back Home; God's Love; Won't You Come And Go Along; In The Sweet Forever; You Make It Happen; God Will Never Change; Gotta Keep Holding; Sailing Toward Home (Mark Lowe, Rick Jenkins, Kevin Clark, Kenyon Clark, David Proffitt, Myron Boone).

1989 Don't Stop Now (Journey Records): Jesus Heroes; That Day At Calvary; No Other Name; Don't Stop Now; You're My Inspiration; Oh What Love; Get On The Lord's Side; His Name Is Jesus; Another Soldier Down; There's A Day Coming (Mark Lowe, Rick Jenkins, Kevin Clark, Kenyon Clark, David Proffitt, Myron Boone).
As Chronicle:

1990 Willing Servants (New Haven Records): Everybody Give Him Praise?; Willing Servants?; Lasting Love?; Living Water; Now That You Know; Leaning On The Arms; Never Turn Back; Life Forevermore?; Healer In The House; When We Pray.

1991 Chronicle Live (New Haven Records/20010-2): Oh, What A Love; Carpenter’s House; Healer In The House; Jesus In The House; Jesus Gave Me Water; Stand By Their Side; Piano Medley: Amazing Grace/Unclouded Day; Show Them Your Sermon; When We Pray; I’ve Made A Covenant With My Lord; Go Out To The Program; Medley: Is That Footsteps That I Hear/God’s Going To Do The Same For You And Me/Shake Hands With A Poor Boy.