(redirected from J.JohnMatthews)
John Mathews (August 25, 1923 - August 1, 2005)
John Mathews is a songwriter and singer. He sang baritone for the Rebels from 1951-1969. After leaving the Rebels Quartet, John formed the John Mathews Family, which had great success. This group consisted of his son, his two daughters, his son-in-law, and of course John himself singing the baritone part. John was J. D. Sumner's brother-in-law. He was a master communicator who was renowned for his recitations, not only on slow arrangements, but also on fast songs like "The Fourth Man."
Solo Discography
1968 The Rebels Present John Mathews And Family (Steeple Records/LST 317): The Five Of Us; Touch The Hand Of The Lord; The Bird With A Broken Wing; The Unseen Guest; I Met The Master; When The Master Speaks; Beyond Compare; The Good Shepherd; Dear Jesus Abide With Me; Until Then; Born To Serve The Lord; The Man In The Glass.
Songwriter's Résumé
(Partial List)
Beside Still Waters
Can't Wait Till He's Here
God's Amazing Grace
I'm Going Back
My Wonderful Friend
Somebody Touched Me
When I Stand With God
When The Master Speaks
Who's Gonna Teach Them